Bullying in all its forms will not be tolerated at The Elouera Association. Our definition
of bullying is “ongoing deliberate and hurtful behaviour, be it verbal, psychological or
physical, which results in an individual or group exerting power over others”. Bullying
will also be dealt with through the organisations discipline policy.
The Elouera Association community, which includes employees, service users, staff,
parents and the wider community, recognises that bullying occurs in all areas of
society. At Elouera however, there will be zero tolerance of bullying and it will not be
accepted in any form and its anti-bullying plan will reflect the principles of equity,
diversity and acceptance.
For the purpose of this plan bullying is defined as intentional, repeated behaviour by
an individual or group of individuals that causes distress, hurt or undue pressure.
Bullying behaviour involves the abuse of power in relationships. Bullying can involve
all forms of harassment (including sex, race, disability, homosexuality or
transgender), humiliation, domination and intimidation of others.
Bullying behaviour can be
• verbal e.g. name calling, teasing, abuse, putdowns, sarcasm, threats
• physical e.g. hitting, punching, kicking, scratching, spitting, tripping
• social e.g. ignoring, excluding, ostracising, alienating, making inappropriate
• psychological e.g. spreading rumours, dirty looks, hiding or damaging
possessions, malicious SMS and email messages, inappropriate use of
camera phones
Service users, employees. staff, parents, caregivers and the wider school community
share responsibility, expectations and knowledge to create a safe and happy
environment free from all forms of bullying. The whole of the organisations
community will implement a program that identifies bullying behaviour and provide
support to everyone adopting positive behaviour changes. Partnerships between all
stakeholders that comprise the school community are central to the success of this
The Elouera Association Bullying Policy is also part of the Anti-Discrimination & Equal
Employment Opportunity Policy. Our Anti-Discrimination & Equal Employment Opportunity
Policy deals not only with Anti-discrimination issues but also Equal Employment Opportunity
obligations, including bullying, sexual harassment, freedom of association and vilification.