I have the right to be
happy at school
I have the right to
feel safe and secure
at school
I have the right to
learn all I can
I have the right to
participate in school
I have the right to
I have the right to
teach in a safe,
supportive school
I have the right to
expect and receive
Behaviour management strategies implemented at a school, class and individual
level form the underlying principles of discipline procedures at Elouera Special
School. School and classroom strategies are a component of each teacher’s class
program. Effective classroom discipline may be facilitated through the use of positive
behaviour management strategies. If necessary, a variety of approaches may be
implemented to manage inappropriate forms of behaviour. Strategies such as time
out and formulating an individual management plan may be considered to assist in
the management of specific behaviours and concerns. Suspension and expulsion
may be considered when a specific discipline sanction is necessary. Strategies
implemented could vary and will be decided upon on a case by case basis.
There may be times when a student is required to visit another classroom for a
period of time. The class teacher will liaise with the visiting class teacher to
determine the time out procedure to be adopted and to ensure students’ needs are
continuing to be met.
School based behaviour management plans may be implemented for individual
students who require specific strategies put in place to assist in managing their
behaviour. Classroom teachers may consult with the Head Teacher and parent when
formulating the plan. Management plans are specific to each individual student.
Suspension is a temporary removal of a student school for a set period of time.
Expulsion is the permanent removal of a student from one particular school. Serious
matters that lead to expulsion could include the use of a weapon, serious bullying,
violence or threats of violence towards either staff or students could result in an
indefinite suspension, leading to expulsion.
Exclusion is the act of preventing a student’s admission to a number of schools.
If expulsion is the only option Elouera Special School does not have an Exclusion
Policy and will not prevent a student from being enrolled in another school.
The Head Teacher provides leadership and direction in relation to the Discipline
Policy at Elouera Special School and supports the staff in implementing this policy.
The Head Teacher encourages an atmosphere which allows all students to achieve
their personal best in all areas of school life. The Head Teacher has the authority to
take immediate action in situations where serious student misbehaviour occurs.
A record of inappropriate student behaviour will be maintained by relevant classroom
teachers and discussed with the Head Teacher.
The Chief Executive Officer will intervene and provide support when the Head
Teacher seeks assistance in line with organisational policies and principles.
Suspension of services requires the consent of the Chief Executive Officer who will
ensure that all alternative actions have been exhausted. The Chief Executive Officer
will keep the Board of the Elouera Association Ltd informed if suspension or
termination of services may be required.
Due to the varying disabilities of students at the school the discipline policy will be
flexible and tailored to the student’s individual needs and circumstances.