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The Elouera Centre

Elouera Association Day Services in Cootamundra offer high quality services to people with a disability in the region. We offer innovative, flexible programs that are tailored to meet the needs of individuals. Familes, adocates and service users are central to the development of the individuals plan which shapes the services offered. Emphasis is placed on developing indipendant living skills and enabling each individual to achieve their maximum potential. Programs offered are educational and developmental and can include shopping, library, woodwork, cooking, internet access, literacy, and numeracy, protective behaviour training, swimming, sports, accessing community clubs, sensory stimulation and the use of adaptive and communication technology. Our aim is to meet your needs and goals.






The Elouera Association Inc operates a number of buses and vehicles to and from regional towns to enable people with a disability to access our services.

We have a daily bus in Temora and Cootamundra and vehicles from Young and Harden to Cootamundra.

The Elouera Centre has two mini buses of its own to allow them to easily access the community and travel around the region. Staff pick up and drop off those accessing the service to and from their front door.

While Elouera does not receive funding for transport, it is recognised that in this region without it, many people would not be able to receive much needed supports.

In considering the services for your family member please feel free to discuss with us transport and how we can assist.

Many will be entitled to Centrelink mobility allowances.






The staffing at the Elouera Centre is based on need and numbers, however it will always be a high ratio due to the nature of the operation.

We have well trained staff so personal needs can be met with dignity. As the service grows so will staff numbers and the flexibility of the program. Staff receive in house training, attend seminars and TAFE style training to assist them in their role.

The Day Services are overseen by the Human Resources Officer at Head Office who also works at the service when required.

Our staff make the program enjoyable and safe for all involved.